Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Waiting for feedback

I've sent the manuscript out to a selected set of volunteers. Only heard back from one person so far but I am hoping to get more comments. Meanwhile I need to start prepping for a query letter to agents...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Editing - Novel 2

In a marathon session tonight of about 2 hours, I finished putting in my edits to the computer and did one last set of tweaks to the first few chapters. It's done! Hooray!

I'll now start sending copies out to people who have requested it, to hopefully get comments and criticism coming back in. I'll collect those for a few weeks (depending on how long it takes people to get a chance to read it) and after one final set of updates it will be time to start sending out query letters to agents.

This is a big step! I'm tired but very happy to have assembled a real first draft which is of good enough quality to be seen by others.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Editing - Novel 2

8 more pages tonight. It's not much, but every little bit gets me closer to the end.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Editing - Novel 2

47 pages in a bit over an hour tonight. 70-odd pages left - another 2 hours and I'll be done with this part! Hooray!